10 Simple Tips for Shopping at Yard Sales

I'm so excited that yard sale season is officially here! Bring on the bargains!! In honor of my love of finding a good deal, today I'm sharing 10 simple tips for shopping at yard sales. Ready?  Here we go!

1. Craigslist is your Friend.

Use Craigslist to search for local yard sales and make a list of ones you want to visit. I specifically look for neighborhood yard sales since I can visit multiple sales in one location.  I also search for keywords in the yard sale description based on what I'm looking for (ex. home goods, furniture, etc.).  

2. Hit the Sales Early (or don't).

If you want to get first pick of the items, it's best to go to yard sales early in the morning. However, if you're not an early bird like me, you can still find good deals later in the day.

3. All About the Money.

Bring both cash and change with you as most sellers do not take check or credit cards. I recommend taking around $20 in small bills (unless you plan to buy furniture pieces) and $1 in change. 

4. Get Comfy.

Opt for comfortable shoes and clothes as you will be bending over to look at items laying on the ground and walking a lot.

5. Be Hands Free.

I recommend using a wristlet or crossbody purse when yard saling (is that a word?) that way my hands are free to look at items.

6. Hydrate.

Be sure to drink water and eat breakfast to be energized for a day of shopping.

7. Look Out.

Take time to look at all of the tables at a yard sale even if something doesn't catch your eye right away. Some items I typically look for are:

One of my favorite yard sale finds is my milk glass vase that I got for $.10. Go here to see how I use it in my home. 

8. Get a Bargain.

Don't be afraid to ask a seller for less than the sticker price on an item.  I've found that 9 times out of 10, they will take what you offer.  Also, if you are buying a bag of items, ask them if they will take a certain price for the whole bag instead of for each individual item.  

9. Take Risks.

When looking for home items to give a little love and makeover to, be willing to take risks--that $.50 vase may be ugly now but it might look awesome after a coat of paint.

10. Have Fun.

Grab a friend and enjoy the hunt for hidden treasure, you never know what you might find!

So that's it, those are my tips, simple right? If you have more tips for shopping yard sales I'd love to hear them! Just leave a note in the comment section below. Have a wonderful week and a happy yard sale season!

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