8-Week Organizing Challenge

Erica and I love using pretty items to make our homes functional and organized {see some of our past organizational projects here}. To kick off this New Year we'll be hosting an 8-Week Organizing Challenge and we'd love it if you would participate with us!

Here's how it will work:
  1. We will announce each week's category on Monday.
  2. At least 1 of our blog posts that week will be about what we are working on within that category.
  3. On our Facebook page, we'll be posting inspiration and encouraging you to tackle that specific category throughout the week.
  4. The following Monday we'll share what we did on the blog and then ask you to share your projects on Facebook! You can take a pic, tell us in the comments, or link to your own blog if you have one.
So... for Week #1 we'll be focusing on {drumroll please}:

What will you work on?

It could be a small project, like {clockwise from top left corner} organizing all of your cookbooks, corralling your most-used cooking supplies in a pretty container, sorting through and simplifying your baking products or hanging measuring spoons for easy reach.

clockwise from top left corner: cookbooks // cooking // baking // measuring spoons

 Or maybe you'll get a little more crafty and label your spice jars or create a menu board.

left to right: spices // menu board

Of course, you could get ambitious and tackle your pantry, cleaning out and organizing the refrigerator or setting up a baking cabinet.

clockwise from left: pantry // fridge // cabinet

I can't wait to see what you work on! On Thursday, I'll share the project I decided to tackle.

Make sure to like us on Facebook and subscribe so that you don't miss any of the challenge!

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