A Simple Tip // Instagram Photo Display

It took me awhile to really start using Instagram. Between our Craftivity Designs Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounts and my personal Facebook and Twitter accounts -- it just felt like too much.

But, as it turns out, Instagram is just too handy. I love how easy it is to take and edit a photo. Even if the lighting isn't good, a filter quickly masks that. My phone is so much more handy than a camera, which allows me to capture our daily lives in the moment.

Plus, ordering photos is incredibly easy with the Walgreens app. I'm even willing to pay the higher per photo price {39 cents versus 29 cents for a standard 4x6 photo} to be able to order them directly from my phone. 

Last week, while thrifting at Feather Your Nest in Lexington, I came across this letter holder.

I'd like to create some fun IG displays eventually {here's a sampling of the millions of ideas on Pinterest}; but I also wanted a spot to display them as soon as we pick them up from Walgreens.

This little letter holder is the perfect, simple solution.

How do you display your everyday photos?

Oh - and here it is on Instagram. ;)  

Linked to: I Heart Organizing, Remodelaholic, Thrifty Decor Chick, Your Designs This Time, The Makers, Inspiration Link Party, Talented Tuesday, Create and Share DIY and Recipe, Moonlight and Mason Jars, Your Turn to Shine,

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