How to // A Mirrored Basket {& the Giveaway Winner!}

After taking some photos, I made a few changes in our bedroom.

How To Make a Mirrored Basket // DIY Wall Decor // Craftivity Designs
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Small changes, yes; but so important to the feel of the space.  

We are draping a navy Ethiopian blanket {we bought it during a mission trip there} over the headboard. The blanket blends in with our navy wall, so I wanted something simple above the headboard that could make the distinction between the two.

How To Make a Mirrored Basket // DIY Wall Decor // Craftivity Designs

This does the trick, and more. The basket weave echos the texture of the bamboo shades {read more about that project, here} and the mirror bounces some more light around a room with small windows.

This is an ultra simple project if you are able to get your hands on a similarly sized basket and mirror. I've had the mirror for years {see it in our old bedroom and the entry way, most recently}; but just came across the basket a few weekends ago.

How To Make a Mirrored Basket // DIY Wall Decor // Craftivity Designs

I started with thin twine, scissors, the basket and the mirror. However, after working with the twine, I upgraded to a much thicker version {you can buy it here}.

String your twine through the basket weave to create a rope hanger.

Next, string twine through the mirror hanger and the basket {note: in the these next two photos the thin twine is shown; but I switched to a thicker version afterwards}.

Hang it on picture hooks. I used two hooks since the mirror was decently heavy.

How To Make a Mirrored Basket // DIY Wall Decor // Craftivity Designs

If you couldn't find a similar sized mirror and basket, you could always have the a mirror cut for you. 

How To Make a Mirrored Basket // DIY Wall Decor // Craftivity Designs

Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway! Congrats to the winner, Kassey K.!

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